Content Marketing isn’t creating an eBook and calling it a day. Your customers want relevant, educational content that they can’t get anywhere else. Good content marketing starts with understanding your customer’s pain points and creating assets that are helpful. Ie, they shouldn’t read like someone in sales dictated them to your writer. Become a trusted advisor to your customer with your content and they will trust your brand and want to sign up and buy your product (or at least talk to your sales team.)

Sourcing in the Fast Lane
Delivered 7X Closed-Won ACV
and $30M+ in First-Touch Pipeline
With a content marketing team of one, and a growing suite of products to support, we had to prioritize product focus of larger scale content campaigns.
While all of the company’s products were worthy of content support, one stood out as having the opportunity to drive the largest deals: sourcing optimization. An industry-leading product acquired the year prior, CSO was ripe for a creative content marketing campaign.
Bringing experts together from across the Coupa Community for a design thinking workshop, the team aligned on a series of assets including The Procurement Maturity Model, Sourcing Value Report, and Preparedness Checklists. I interviewed thought leaders across the organization to create each asset.
Top-of-Funnel: Preparedness Checklists (Ungated)
Mid-Funnel: Procurement Maturity Model
Lower-Mid-Funnel: Sourcing Value Report